
Envios | Shipping Policies




Al hacer una orden con nosotros sea por nuestra pagina de Internet o por Teléfono usted esta aceptando las siguientes políticas de envió. Cualquier pregunta o duda por favor llamenos al 877-592-0029 o contactenos por Chat y con gusto le ayudaremos.

Tiempo de Envió:

Todas las ordenes son enviadas en 24-72 horas después de ser recibidas, dependiendo en el volumen de ordenes.

Por Favor note que el Tiempo de Preparacion No cuenta en su estimado de entrega de su orden. Asi que su tiempo de entrega total para envios Rapidos pagados le puede adherir estos 1-2 dias habiles para que podamos preparar y enviar su orden. Si hay alguna situación la cual nos impida mantener nuestros tiempos de envió regulares, se le informara con la brevedad posible.

Importante: Solo hacemos envios Lunes a Viernes no fines de semana ni Dias festivos. 

Tiempo de Entrega:

El tiempo de entrega varia dependiendo en el método de envió que usted escoge al momento de hacer su orden, pero los estimados de tiempo de entrega son los siguientes:

  • Envió Standard Gratis: Puede durar de 6-10 Días en Total en ser entregado.
  • First Class Shipping (3-4 Business days): Generalmente es entregado en 4-6 Dias habiles en total (1-2 Dias preparar,  3-4 dias en transito). 
  • USPS (1-3 Business Days) Priority: Generalmente es entregado en 2-5 Dias habiles en total. 
  • FedEx Ground Fecha Garantizada (1-5 Business Days): Fed-Ex Ground es el Unico metodo de envio con una fecha garantizada. Una vez sea enviad (despues de 1-2 dias de preparar) su numero de tracking le indica una fecha de entrega. Esta es garantizada. El tiempo total de entrega varia en su cercania a California y puede ser de 2 -6 Dias Habiles garantizados. 

Por favor tenga en cuenta que los tiempos de entrega son determinados por la compañía de entrega y nosotros No somos responsables por retrasos causados por las compañías de entrega. De hecho USPS menciona que los tiempo de entrega No son Garantizados aunque page: Ver Información. Si tiene alguna queja sobre el tiempo de entrega una vez que fue enviado de nuestra bodega por favor comunicarse con la compañía responsable directamente con su numero de tracking. Los teléfonos apropiados son: 1-800-ASK-USPS para Correo y 1-800-GO-FEDEX para Fed-Ex Ground.

Que pasa si page adicional por envio y llego tarde el paquete?

Si usted pago adicional por un metodo de envio aparte de Envio Gratis y han pasado mas dias de los indicados arriba, por favor contactenos. Solo recordamos que Fed-Ex Ground es el unico servicio que tiene fechas de entrega garantizadas y solo estas son elegibles para un reembolso por el cobro del envio. Para todos los otros metodos, por favor contactenos y con gusto analizaremos la situacion para ver si un Store Credit es appropiado para una compra futura. 

Confirmación de Entrega:

Ordenes < de $200:

Ordenes Menores a $200.00 son enviados con un Numero de Seguimiento (Tracking Number) con Confirmacion de Entrega la cual dicta una Fecha y Hora de Entrega.

Si desea agregar el servicio opcional de Requerimiento de Firma al entregar el paquete, y su orden totaliza menos $200, por favor llamenos al 877-592-0029 en cuanto finalize su orden para pagar la cuota de $3.95 adicional por este servicio. Si no desea este servicio opcional, entonces usted indica que estara de acuerdo en la informacion que provea el numero de seguimiento y Confirmacion de Entrega del paquete.

Ordenes > $200:

Todas las ordenes Mayores a $200.00 son Mandadas con Requerimiento de Firma para la seguridad de su paquete. Dispense pero por su seguridad No hay excepción para estas ordenes. Tendrán que obtenerse una firma de recibido. Muchas veces servicios como Fed-Ex le deja un papel conocido como un "Door Tag" el cual usted puede firmar dando permiso que le dejen el paquete en su casa aunque no este presente. Para paquetes enviados por USPS, si no esta presente para firmar puede recoger su paquete en la oficina mas cercana a usted o ir a la pagina de USPS y escoger otro día para que lo entregan.

Paquetes Robados o Mal Colocados

Mientras que estamos aquí para ayudarle en todo lo posible, No somos responsables de paquetes claramente marcados como entregados a la dirección correcta y de los cuales no están en su posesión (por ejemplo si le han sido robados). Por favor vea la informacion arriba sobre Confirmacion de Entrega y Requerimientos de firma. Si usted no Opta Pagar extra por este servicio de Firma, usted indica que es Responsable por el paquete y que la información de Rastreo (Tracking) y Confirmación de Entrega demostrando día y hora de entrega será final y su paquete se considerara entregado.

Para mayor seguridad ordenes mayores de $200.00 son enviadas con requerimiento de firma sin ningun cargo adicional. Si usted tiene alguna duda sobre un paquete, contactenos y con gusto le proveeremos la prueba de la entrega. 

Envíos Múltiples:

Para poder entregar su orden lo mas pronto posible pedidos con varios artículos pueden ser enviados de varias bodegas así que su mercancía puede llegar en paquetes separados y en fechas diferentes. No hacemos ningún cargo extra por estos envíos múltiples y el envío Estándar continua siendo Gratis y para los Servicios Premium Mas Rápidos (First Class, Priority y FedEx) no aumento el pequeño cargo de envío y no hay ningun cargo adicional por este servicio.

Por favor note que en caso de que su orden sea enviada en varios envíos, solo recibira 1 numero de guia para no enviarle muchos correos. Si gusta los demas por favor contactenos. Ademas, solo una de las facturas incluidas tendrá el total de su orden. Las demás tendrán un total de $0.00.

Donde Son Enviadas las Ordenes:

Las Ordenes son Enviadas a la Direccion que aparece como "Ship To" en su recibo al pagar con Tarjeta de Credito. Si usted paga usando PayPal su orden solo sera enviada a la dirección que usted designe en su recibo de PayPal como "Ship To Address" (Dirección de Envió). Nuestras Etiquetas de Envíos tanto Postales como de paquete son *generadas automaticamente* de la información que usted pone en su recibo. Es muy importante que tenga cuidado al llenar esta información.

Envios Internacionales:

Por favor note que los envios internacionales tardan mas tiempo en ser entregados y los tiempos de envio varian. No somos responsables por paquetes no entregados por errores en la direccion. Adicionalmente el cargo de envio nunca es reembolsable. 


Shipping Policies

By placing your order with us either online or by phone you are agreeing to the following shipping policies. Any questions or concerns please Chat with us or call us at 877-592-0029 and we'd be happy to assist you.

Processing Time:

All orders are shipped within 24-72 hours after they are placed depending on our order volume. While we do our best to ship everything as quickly as possible, we do like to inform you that the Processing time does not count toward your overall expected delivery date.

Kindly take that into account when calculated your estimated delivery date when placing your order even for Expedited (paid) shipping methods. If there is any situation that will prevent us from maintaing our regular processing times, we will promptly inform you. Please note: We only ship out orders Monday - Friday, no weekends or holidays.  

All orders are shipped within 24-48 hours after they are received, depending on the volume of orders. If there is a stock or other issue that prevents us from keeping that time frame you will be notified. Please note that orders are only shipped Monday through Friday.

Delivery Times:

Delivery times vary based upon what Shipping Method is chosen and your distance to california, however the general estimated delivery times are as follow:

  • Free Standard Shipping: May take between 6-10 business days in total to be delivered.
  • First Class Shipping (3-4 Business days): Generally delivered within 4-6 Business Days total (1-2 to process and 3-4 days transit). 
  • USPS (1-3 Business Days) Priority: Generalmente delivered within 2-5 Business days total. 
  • FedEx Ground Guaranteed Delivery Date (2-4 Business Days): Fed-Ex Ground is the only shipping method that has a guaranteed delivery date upon shipping (1-2 day processing time). Once your order is processed and shipped your tracking number will indicate the delivery date. Total time varies dependent upon your distance to California and may be between 1-5 Business Days. 

Please be aware that delivery times are determined by the Carrier not us and we can't be responsible for delays in delivery due to the delivery company. As a general notification, USPS mentions that Delivery times are Estimates only. They are Not guaranteed even tho you've paid an additional fee. If you have a complaint about delayed packages we would strongly encourage you to reach out to the carrier directly with your tracking number. The phone numbers are 1-800-ASK-USPS for Priority Mail and 1-800-GO-FEDEX for Fedex.

What happens if I paid for faster shipping and the package arrived late?

If you paid to have your package shipped faster and it has taken longer than the days indicated above, please contact us. Keep in mind that Fed-Ex Ground is the only shipping method that has a Guaranteed delivery date and therefore the only one eligible for a refund on the shipping fee. For all other methods, please contact us and we'd happily consider issuing Store Credit for a future purchase for delayed shipments.

Delivery Confirmation:

Orders Under $200:

Orders that total under $200 are shipped with a Tracking Number and Delivery Confirmation which will indicate the day and time of delivery.

If you'd like to add the optional Signature Requirement service to your order, please call us at 877-592-0029 or send us an email as soon as you've placed your order to pay for the additional fee of $3.95 that is charged by USPS for the service. If you do not want to pay this additional service fee, you are indicating that you abide by the information provided by the tracking number and delivery confirmation for your order..

Orders over $200:

For the security of your package, all orders that total $200 or more are shipped with a Signature Requirement at no additional charge to you. These orders are automatically shipped with Signature Requirement and there are no exceptions. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you are unavailable to sign for your package at the time of delivery, the carrier (Fed-ex or USPS) should have left a Door Tag which you can leave signed if you'd like them to release the package on your front door next time they attempt delivery, or to arrange for redelivery. For packages shipped by USPS you may also pick them up at your closest USPS Post Office within 14 days to avoid them being returned to sender.

Stolen or Misplaced Packages

While we are always here to assist you as best we can, we would like to remind you that we are Not responsible for packages that have been clearly delivered to the stated address and which you do not have with you (for example if they have been stolen). Please review the information above regarding Delivery Confirmations and Signature Requirements. If you do not opt to pay for the additional Signature Requirement fee, you are accepting the Tracking and Delivery confirmation as a final proof of delivery.

For orders over $200 these are always sent with Signature Requirement included at no extra charge to you, if you'd like to see a copy of the signature please contact us and we'd be happy to provide that to you.

Split Shipments:

To deliver orders as quickly as possible, orders with multiple items may be shipped from different warehouses and your full order may arrive in separate packages and potentially different dates. We do not charge you anything extra for these Multiple shipments and Standard Shipping is still Free and for the Paid Shipping methods all of your items will be shipped with the requested method and there is no additional cost to you for this service. 

Please note that if your order is split into multiple shipments, you will only receive 1 tracking number by email to avoid SPAMing your email address. If you'd like the other tracking numbers please contact us. Additionally the shipping slips might look different, as only 1 will have the global total and the others might say amount $0.00.


Donde Son Enviadas las Ordenes:


Las Ordenes son Enviadas a la Direccion que aparece como "Ship To" en su recibo al pagar con Tarjeta de Credito. Si usted paga usando PayPal su orden solo sera enviada a la dirección que usted designe en su recibo de PayPal como "Ship To Address" (Dirección de Envió). Nuestras Etiquetas de Envíos tanto Postales como de paquete son *generadas automaticamente* de la información que usted pone en su recibo. Es muy importante que tenga cuidado al llenar esta información.




Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmaton:

Orders totaling $199.99 or Less:

Order that are Less Than $200+ are shipped with a Tracking Number and Delivery confirmation. This will state the Time and Date of delivery.  For orders less than $200,  If you wish to have them Shipped with a Signature Requirement, you must let us know By E-Mail or Phone at 877-592-0029 prior to your order shipping and pay the additional Service Fee. If you do not, we are not liable for "lost" or "stolen" packages (packages that have tracking information showing it as delivered but the customer claims has not been delivered). If you want to add that Signature Confirmation or Purchase additional insurance please e-mail or immediately after placing your order or just before.

Orders $200.00 Or More:

For orders in total value Above $200.00, and Unless you specifically request otherwise, ALL such orders ($200+) are sent signature required for the safety of your order.   Please note that your order will *only* be shipped to the “Ship To” address specified on your PayPal Receipt. Our shipping labels are automatically generated from the shipping information you enter in your PayPal receipt. It is very important that you pay great care when filling this information out.


Some carriers provide insurance at time of shipment. This insurance is generally for non-delivery (lost Packages) in which the tracking information clearly shows there was an issue with the delivery (Does Not show as delivered) or for Damage in which case proof of damage is required.


Please note We are *Not* required to send your package insured. Additionally if the carrier provides basic insurance we are *Not* required to purchase additional insurance. If you wish to purchase additonal insurance you must Call or e-mail so we may assess the additonal charges. Please note that this type of insurance covers only Total Loss (Package is lost and tracking information clearly shows as Non-Delivery) and in some cases Damaged packages per carrier discretion. 

International Shipments

Please visit our International Ordering Page: and we will gladly ship to your country.

Wrong or Incomplete Addresses

You are responsible for the accuracy of your Ship To address. If you provide us with an incorrect or incomplete address (ie missing apartment, suite, trailer etc. number), YOU will be responsible for the cost of re-shipping your order. If you choose not to have it re-shiped you waive any and all shipping charges plus a 20% Re-Stocking fee. We apologize but there are No Exceptions. Any order marked as Undeliverable as Addressed by USPS or the equivalent by Fed-Ex will automatically be subjec to a Re-Shipping fee if you wish to still receive it *or* a Partial refund minus Shipping Fee's and minus a 20% Re-Stocking fee. We are not responsible for lost packages due to a mistake in the address. In case of products with a “Free Shipping” promotion, you will be responsible for the cost of re-shipping the package if we have to send it again. If you decide to cancel an order AFTER it has been shipped, we reserver the right to Keep the cost of of Shipping as well as a 20% re-stocking fee. If you'd like us to Re-Ship Your Package instead, You will Have to pay the Re-shipping Fee. If your particular order had Free Shipping and is returned to us, You will have to pay for us to ship it out a second time. We apologize but there are No Exceptions.

Returned Packages:

If your package is returned to us because:

  1. It was Marked as "Undeliverable as Addressed" Or "Insufficient Address" due to a mistake that You made while entering the Ship To address.
  2. There was nobody home to sign for the package and you never Claimed your package at teh USPS or Fed-Ex or UPS office corresponding to your package.
  3. You Refused the package..

In all the above cases, you will be entitled to the cost of the Merchandize Only MINUS all of the shipping fee's and a possible Re-Stocking fee of 20%. If you'd like us to Re-Ship your package, You will pay the Re-Shipping cost. If your Package originally had Free Shipping as an offer, You will be responsible for the shipping costs of shipping it a second time. We appologize but there are NO exceptions as we provide you with your Tracking information  in several ways to avoid these situations. 

Incomplete or Damaged Orders

We carefully ship each and every order acording to Best Shipping Standards, however due to the nature of some of the products, it is possible that in very rare occations a product May be damaged in transit. If your order is Damaged or there is something wrong with your order at time of arrival, please maintain ALL packing materials, and items as they arrived. Send us an E-mail within 48 hours of receiving your order (as show by tracking information) and we will do everything we can to assist and resolve any issues with orders as quickly as possible.

Please Note: Depending on your indivdiual case, pictures, a copy of the packing slip included and other informatin may be necesarry to best and quickly assist you.

Lost Packages

We are not responsible for "Lost" or stolen packages that are marked as Delivered by Existing Tracking information. Please note that orders less than $200.00 are ALL shipped with a Tracking number and delivery confirmation that shows at least Day, hour and Zip code of delivery. For Added security, orders Above $200.00 are ALL sent with a Signature Requirement. If your order is less than $200.00 but you'd like to have a Signature Requirement for whatever reason (unsafe neighborhood etc.) You must CONTACT US  to let us know as soon as you make your order. If you have a doubt regarding your package, please let us know and we can gladly assist with finding tracking information for it. If your order is above $200.00 and for some reason you DO NOT want it to be sent Signature Required, you must submit your request In Writting from the e-mail address you used for the purchase and we will asses your request. 

*Notice: The products and information found here are not intended to replace professional medical advice or treatment. Individual Results may vary and are not Guaranteed. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our dietary supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. All Rights Reserved.