
Terminos de Uso | Disclaimers


Terminos de Uso y Renuncias:

Los Terminos de Uso listados aqui goviernan todas nuestras transaciones con usted, y en effecto son el contrato que govierna nuestras transaciones. No hay excepciones en la aplicacion de los terminos de uso uniformemente.

Renuncia de Responsabilidad

La información que proveemos en esta pagina de Internet es solo echa para educar y no es para substituir los consejos de tu doctor u otro profesional medico. No debería usar la información contenida aquí para diagnosticar o tratar una enfermedad o problema de salud, o prescribir medicación. La información sobre los productos es tomada de la etiqueta de los productos o de los materiales promocionales del fabricante. Innovacion Natural no es responsable de las declaraciones o supuesta efectividad que varios fabricantes hacen sobre sus productos sea por sus materiales promociona les, el contenido del empaque/caja o contenido que tomamos de la compañía como base para nuestros anuncios. Si tiene o sospecha que tiene un problema medico, sugerimos que prontamente contacte a su doctor. Información y declaraciones sobre los suplementos dietéticos no han sido evaluados por la FDA y no están destinados para diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir una enfermedad. Los Resultados y efectividad de los productos varían de persona a persona y no somos responsables por las diferencias en resultados. Declaraciones sobre la supuesta función y efectividad de los productos no han sido evaluados por el FDA por lo que solo comentamos que los productos *pudieran* ayudar a la función que dice el fabricante pero no lo aseguramos.

Renuncia de Responsabilidad de Garantias de Resultados

Innovacion Natural no es el manufacturador de ninguno de los productos. LOS RESULTADOS NO ESTAN GARANTISADOS. Los resultados entre individuos varian y son dependientes en una gran variedad de factores de uso y factores individuales. No hay garantia de resultados, solo de Possibles resultados.


Estos terminos de Uso applican para todas las ordenes, por todos los medios, incluyedo: Ordenes echas en, por Telefono y por Depositos, Money Order y Electronic Transfers.

Ofertas Especiales

Todas las offertas expeciales, Blowouts, etc. Son governadas por las reglas: Offertas Especiales: No Hay ningun "Raincheck" o "Backorder" disponible en Ninguna offerta especial. Se llenan solo mientras hay existencias y pueden ser llenadas parcialmente. Se haran devoluciones si es necesario. No hay excepciones.

Errores en Precios

Si hay algun error en precio sea publicado o por offerta especial, Reservamos el derecho the NO HONORAR errores de precio. En estos casos, contactaremos al comprador immediatamente para obtener la diferiencia o su orden sera cancelada con noticia y el error en el precio sera arreglado immediatamente.



Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. Information about each product is taken from the labels of the products or from the manufacturer's advertising material. Innovacion Natural is not responsible for any statements or claims that various manufacturers make about their products either through advertising, the content on the Packaging / Box or content taken from the company that we use as a template.

Innovacion Natural is not responsible for the potential unforeseen negative health effects that may arise from unintended use or regular use of the products. The Buyer uses the nutritional supplements and topical products at your own risk. Innovacion Natural expressly disclaims any and all liability arising from the use of the products on this site, it is the user/purchaser who assumes all liability and responsibility for use and potential consequences. You should read carefully all product packaging. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, we suggest that you promptly contact your health care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The effectiveness of the products vary from person to person and we are not responsible for the difference in these results. Statements regarding the function of the various products have not been evaluated by the FDA and as such we may only comment that they *may* assist in what the manufacturing company claims that they do, but may not ascertain it.

Warranty Disclaimer

This site and the materials and products on this site are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, Innovacion Natural disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Innovacion Natural does not make any warranties or representations regarding the use of the materials in this site in terms of their correctness, accuracy, adequacy, usefulness, timeliness, reliability or otherwise. THERE IS NO WARRANTY OF RESULTS. Individual Results may vary. We are not the manufacturer's of these products and cannot change the claims they make in Ads, packaging, etc. Claims regarding expected results may very between individuals and are dependent upon a variety of factors. There is no implied, expressed, or otherwise warranty of results, only of POSSIBLE results.

Limitation of Liability

Innovacion Natural shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials on this site or the performance of the products. Innovacion Natural is not the manufacturer or importer of the products featured on this site, and as such it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to respond for their products.

Special Offers

All Special Offers, Blow Out Sales and any kind of Special Offer by e-mail, Facebook Mail or e-newsletter are governed by the Following Provisions: There are no Rainchecks or Backorders on Special orders. We will only fill them while supply lasts and reserve the right to only Partial Fill an order or Refund an entire order if applicable. There are no exceptions.

Coverage of Terms

These Terms and Conditions apply to all orders by all our methods. Including orders placed through, Telephone orders, Money orders, Electronic transference orders and any other order fulfilled by us.


*Notice: The products and information found here are not intended to replace professional medical advice or treatment. Individual Results may vary and are not Guaranteed. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our dietary supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. All Rights Reserved.