
Product Safety Recall Notice


WORLD GREEN NUTRITION, INC. is recalling ELV ALIPOTEC brand MEXICAN TEJOCOTE ROOT SUPPLEMENT PIECES (RAIZ DE TEJOCOTE MEXICANO SUPLEMENTO EN TROZOS), NET. WT, 0.3 0Z (7g), due to the presence of yellow oleander in this product. The consumption of yellow oleander can cause adverse effects on neurological, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular health that can be serious or even fatal. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal pain, heart changes, arrhythmia, and more.

For easier identification of the product in question, it is noted that it comes in a white polyethylene container; green polypropylene lid; heat-shrinkable PET-G material label, authenticity hologram and net weight of 0.3 OZ (7g) and marked with the batch and expiration date mentioned below.

It is important to consider the above, since there are various products on the market that do not correspond to those marketed by this company, nor to the ELV ALIPOTEC brand.

It is necessary to clarify that, to this date, this company has not received reports of illnesses related to the consumption of this product; however, the recall from the market began after the Food and Drug Administration issued the safety alert with the title “FDA Issues Warning About Certain Tejocote Root Supplements Substituted with Toxic Yellow Oleander,” in an effort to comply with current regulations regarding this type of incidents and in compliance with the laws in force in the United States of America.

We ask consumers who have purchased the recalled lots of ELV ALIPOTEC MEXICAN TEJOCOTE ROOT SUPPLEMENT PIECES, NET. WT, 0.3 0Z (7g) to return them to the place where they made their purchase to obtain an exchange for another product marketed by the company.

Full text of recall

Please contact us by email at or by phone / text at 877-592-0029 if you have questions or need assistance in returning products for an exchange. 



090222 110424 250123 032328
070722 110424 250123 032428
150722N 120724 250123 032728
190722N 120724 250123 032828
150722N-1 120724 150722N 032828
110522 120724 160622 041928
070722 120724 260123D 041928
040722 120724 190722N 041928
260522 120724 250123 041828
190722N-1 120724 140223 051228
150822 120724 030223 051228
160622 92324 010323 051528
030123 030728 190722N 051528
150722N 030828 200722 051228
030123 030628 250123 051228
291122 030628 150722N 051228
250123 030628 020323 052328
130123 030728 260123D 052328
040722 031328 190722N 052428
030123 031328 260123D 071828
160622 031428 010323 071928
250123 031428 030223 071928
250123 031528 260123D 073128
250123 032128 260123D 080228
250123 032228 140223D 081528


WORLD GREEN NUTRITION, INC. está retirando del mercado PIEZAS DE SUPLEMENTO DE RAÍZ DE TEJOCOTE MEXICANO (RAIZ DE TEJOCOTE MEXICANO SUPLEMENTO EN TROZOS) marca ELV ALIPOTEC, NET. WT, 0,3 0Z (7 g), debido a la presencia de adelfa amarilla en este producto.

Es necesario aclarar que, a la fecha, esta empresa no ha recibido reportes de enfermedades relacionadas al consumo de este producto; sin embargo, el retiro del mercado comenzó luego de que la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos emitiera la alerta de seguridad con el título “FDA emite advertencia sobre ciertos suplementos de raíz de tejocote sustituidos con adelfa amarilla tóxica”, en un esfuerzo por cumplir con las regulaciones vigentes respecto a este tipo de incidentes. y en cumplimiento de las leyes vigentes en los Estados Unidos de América.

Pedimos a los consumidores que han comprado los lotes retirados del mercado de PIEZAS DE SUPLEMENTO DE RAÍZ DE TEJOCOTE MEXICANO ELV ALIPOTEC, NETO. WT, 0,3 0Z (7g) que los devuelvan al lugar donde realizaron su compra para obtener un cambio por otro producto comercializado por la empresa.


Informacion completa se encuentra en

*Notice: The products and information found here are not intended to replace professional medical advice or treatment. Individual Results may vary and are not Guaranteed. Statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Our dietary supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. All Rights Reserved.